Saturday 11 February 2012

A Different Kind of Winter

This winter has not been a typical Canadian winter.  While the parents and teachers at our little yellow school are enjoying the unseasonably warm and snow-free winter, the children are not.  They are longing for snow, snow and more snow!  They want to build snowmen and slide down the hill in the playground. 

Since this isn't a typical winter, most days the children do not believe that they still have to bundle up to go outside.  Our getting ready to go outside routine often goes like this:

A Child:                      Do we need to wear snowpants today?

Mrs. P.:                        Yes.

A Different Child:      Do we need our hats?

Mrs. P.:                          Yes you do.

Yet Another Child:      How about mittens?

Mrs. P.:                          Yes, you need those too.

L., age 5,  recently wrote a story about a little girl who went outside without any winter clothing and was perfectly fine.  Imagine that!  L. tells me that it is a true story.  I am particularly impressed with her use of exclamation marks. 

Here is her story.

One time a girl went outside without a hat and mittens or anything else!  She was not cold!

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